video games

all the games i've released so far. my earliest efforts were the grindfest games, which i think are garbage and shouldn't be played by anyone.

the adventures of crackhead jack: overdose edition (2020)

a game about a man looking for drugs, expanded for steam.

the adventures of crackhead jack (2017)

a game about a man looking for drugs. [trophy guide]

(although the first "finished" version was released in may 2016, its true finished version is the latest - vG111, which was released in august 2017.)

prison break (2017)

an "unfinished" game where some guy has to break out of prison.

grindfest: idleville (2015)

a game about linear city building and clicking.

grindfest: regrinded (2014)

a game about pressing a key. it's clearly not original.